NC Food & Toy Run

ein Tag / 84 Meilen / eine Stunde 55 Minuten

This is a ride we do almost every year. Ride from the Sac area to the Nevada County Sherriff's Office in Nevada City. We arrive early enough to enjoy coffee, donuts, browse/buy at the t-shirt and pin table, and take in the sites (bikes and people of every sort and size). At Noon the parade of bikes will make its way through Nevada City and Grass Valley to the Nevada County Fair Grounds where toys and food can be donated. Please bring an unwrapped gift or three, or non-perishable food to donate. Don't forget teens like Christmas too when you make your donation selections.

Please arrive at the Silver Skillett by 7:45 AM if you would like to have breakfast before the ride. Please arrived fueled up and ready to go no later than 8:30. The Safety Talk will begin in the parking lot at 8:30, with kickstands-up no later than 8:45.

This ride ends at the Nevada County can stay as little or as long as you like. The ride back home can be on your own, or an informal scoot back down the hill that we put together on the fly. Some of us have been known to head for a restaurant after the event.

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