Lake Almanore

ein Tag / 409 Meilen / 8 Stunden 52 Minuten

Leaving Roseville, we'll take a morning cruise through the valley through Sheridan, Marysville, Gridley, to Chico where we'll take the beautiful Hwy 32 into the hills. We'll wind our way through canyons and forests to Hwy 36, hang a right to Lake Almanor, and have lunch at Carol's Camp Prattville Cafe. After our lunch break, we'll finish our half-tour around the lake and point our steads toward Susanville, then south on 395 to Hwy 70. At Beckwourth, we'll turn south again and cross the scenic valley to Hwy 49 at Sattley. We'll follow Hwy 40 almost to Nevada City, turning off on Newtown Road to approach Grass Valley from the west. We'll find out way to Dog Bar Road and stay off of 49 until Higgins Corner, ending our ride at the Fosters Freeze in Auburn.

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